Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Glorious boredom? Or just bored to tears?


Ennui. Pronounced "On wee," it can mean "glorious boredom," like when you're hanging out on the beach in Aruba.

Well, I'm bored, but there's nothing fucking glorious about it. So I meet the other definition -- "utter desperate boredom."

Hockey season's over for the Hawks. And the Bulls' playoff hopes may have been dashed by Rose's knee injury. The Cubs suck, and I don't give a shit about the White Sox. I guess that leaves only the Food Network to brighten my life lately.

Oh sure, there's the family. They're fun. And there's Facebook -- a major time suck for the entire planet. But I run the risk of being too ever-present, and alienating my fan-base. All eight of you. So I figure I need to write another blog entry to justify my existence.

The job scene still sucks. Construction on the whole is still depressed. I've visited a hundred job sites in the past five months looking for a gig as a carpenter, and sent out a hundred resumes looking for work as a superintendent. The union hasn't helped a bit, other than funding some skills-improvement classes that I've taken. But until the general economy picks up, it's still side jobs -- and Robin's job -- that are getting us through.

On the good side, we have a robin family nesting in our trellis over the walkout of our back deck. There are four eggs, and Miss Robin is a doting parent, giving us all kinds of Hell when we walk out accidentally -- we generally use the front entrances, to keep her stress level down. The eggs should hatch this weekend or the early part on next week. That'll be nice, as long as they don't get eaten by crows, which happened last year. Major bummer.

And also on the good side, my maniac neighbor is finally taking their garbage cans back to their house within a few days of the garbage pick up. They still don't mow their lawn, but any improvement is a good thing, right?

And also, tomorrow AT&T comes by to upgrade my internet modem to fiberoptics. I called to bitch about the price of my ISP service, and the bastards succeeded in upselling me on the service. But my bill will be $6 a month less. So that's something. Plus faster downloads, so we can utilize Sarah's Netflix account more expediently.

Other than that, there's nothing fun about being out of steady work. My Mom's been sick lately, and it frees me up to visit her a lot more often, but that's pretty weak sauce in the consolation department, really. I'd rather squeeze in my visits between hurried dinners and long work hours. Instead, we sit and watch People's Court and Judge Judy until my eyeballs droop.

And on that note, is Judge Judy a bitch, or what? You just know that she's gonna end up a prison guard in Hell when it's all over for her... and you know, with my recent luck, she'll be working my section. Shit.

I'll blog again when I can think of something less depressing. Sorry.
